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Healing Paws®

Animal Assisted Therapy Provider


"a special kind of listening"

Contact Us:

(425) 488-3061

Consultation Services

Assist facilities in developing a Therapy Animal Program:

  • - conduct comprehensive survey of facility needs
  • - develop customized facility standards
  • - develop facility policy on visiting family pets, where appropriate
  • - develop patient or resident group sessions
  • - conduct education sessions for facility staff (This will include information on the integration of therapy animals in the health-care milieu, what the staff can expect from the therapy animal teams, role playing, a question/answer session, and an information sheet on AAA/T.) 

  • - provide case consults with the staff and/or therapy animal handler
  • - serve as liaison between facility staff and therapy animal handlers
  • - troubleshoot to eliminate problems in the existing therapy animal program
  • - conduct training workshops and team evaluations for potential handler-animal therapy teams (minimum of 5 handlers required)
  • - share facility needs for volunteer therapy team visits with the therapy animal community (FREE)
  • - brainstorm and assist with fundraising for AAA/T program
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Dutchess gets a warm welcome from a lovely lady

CONTACT US for more information